We learned this years ago. Like maybe 35 years ago, camping with all of our friends and all of our kids and all of their kids!. "Really Easy" for us was not even easy enough. The one semi complicated thing about this recipe is the use of a Dutch Oven and an actual campfire with coals which requires some skill but not much.
Dutch Oven cookery requires campfire coals (or charcoal in a pinch). The idea is that whatever is in the Dutch Oven gets cooked from beneath and from above by placing the oven over coals on it's iron feet and then placing coals in the lipped lid for the baking part. The skill that comes into play is that until you become proficient at this method, getting the top and bottom heat just right takes some practice.

For this recipe, you will want cans of Dinty Moore Beef Stew (remember, we're not judging here!) and some cans of "pop" or "Wompum" biscuits (remember, we're not judging here!) get as much as your crowd or your oven will hold!
Are you ready?
Empty the cans of stew into the Dutch Oven to about half way full
Cook over the fire until the stew is bubbling
Place biscuits one layer deep over the entire pot of stew
Place Dutch Oven over some hot coals but away from the main fire
Place hot coals on the lid of the Dutch Oven
Carefully lift the lid occasionally to check on the progress of the biscuits
When they are done....Serve 'em up!
You won't judge me after you've eaten a plate full!
You will seldom enjoy such a delicious and hearty camp meal!
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See You at the Campfire!